
Hamiota Collegiate

Hamiota Collegiate Institute is a grade 6 to grade 12 school located in Hamiota Manitoba, Canada. The school is separated into Middle Years (Grade 6-8) and Senior Years (Grade 9 - 12). HCI is proud of its tradition, offering an excellent academic program, as well as a quality extra curricular program consisting of athletics and the arts. Hamiota Collegiate's philosophy is to provide a friendly, cooperative and supportive environment which fosters the individual growth of all students and personnel.

Latest News

1.Parent Powerschool

Please use the Par/Stu Powerschool link on the right hand side to access powerschool. Click here for direction on the use of Parent Powerschool.

2.Course Registration

Please use the following links to complete the course registration for 2024-25
Entering Grade 10
Entering Grade 11
Entering Grade 12

3.Canada Learning Bonds program

Canada Learning Bond Program
Up to $2000 in free money to be used for childs post secondary education. We will help you open a free RESP for your child, assist in getting a birth certificate, social insurance number, and applying for a Canada Learning Bond.

4.InformNet Registration

If you wish to enroll into a course via informnet please open and following the linked informnet registration linked here.


5.youth in Philanthropy

Hamiota Collegiate Youth in Philanthropy have created a website to display their business.

6.Office365 and Google account Assistance

PWSD is pleased to announce we have Google and Office 365 synced accounts. Please ask Mr. Crampain for details.
Office 365 Login

Google Transfer Tool
Please use this Google Transfer Tool to transfer your google files to a personal google account.

Google Remote Learning Assistance
Turn in Assignment in Google Classroom

Scan with Iphone Notes App and Turn in

Turn in Assignment with Iphone App

Video - Howto turn in Google Classroom Assignment on a web version

Video - Howto turn in Google Classroom assignment on an ipad

Video - Google Classroom Tutorial


WHSH League
Hamiota Minor Hockey
Parkissimo Hockey
Hamiota Minor Ball
PWHS Baseball League
Southwest Senior Ball


  • Monday
    Sept 2nd

No School - Labour Day!

Grand March Parade Program

  • Hello there

  • Tuesday
    Sept 3rd

Next Website Update!

No Classes - Administration Day!

  • Wednesday Sept 4th

First Day of Classes

V/JV Boys Vball Practice at 5:00 PM

  • Thursday Sept 5th

  • Friday
    Sept 6th

  • Saturday
    Sept 7th

  • Sunday
    Sept 8th

  • Monday
    Sept 9th



facebook Twitter youtubeHCI Google Calendar





stuparent links





Hamiota Collegiate

Box 200
Hamiota, MB
204.842.2803 - Phone
204.764.2725 - Fax


Last Updated - June 27, 2024